woman getting a back massage

Massage Therapy

A necessity, not just a luxury


Massage therapy is a critical aspect of achieving your health goals, not simply an indulgence as some may think. It is an effective soft tissue technique that promotes healing, pain relief, stress reduction, improved circulation, and muscle release. At Performance, our highly specialized massage therapists use clinical evidence to curate your session and address your needs.

Key Benefits

Pain & Injury

Medical massages address specific injuries and medical conditions to alleviate pain, promote recovery, decrease inflammation, relieve compressed nerves, and more.

Athletic Recovery

Massage therapy is beneficial for athletes who require therapy focused on the areas of the body that are overused and stressed during training and exercise.

Mental Health

Not only do massages decrease the stress hormone cortisol, but they increase levels of serotonin and dopamine, lifting your mood and improving sleep quality.

Enhanced Performance

A massage improves performances and decreases risk of injury by increasing flexibility, improving range of motion, and removing lactic acid buildup.

Mental Health

Not only do massages decrease the stress hormone cortisol, but they increase levels of serotonin and dopamine, lifting your mood and improving sleep quality.

Highly specialized providers


Our massage therapists are highly specialized in various areas to address our clients' diverse needs. Specialties include sports massage, medical massage, orthopedic massage, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, pre/post-natal massage, stretching, kinesiology taping, MyoFascial release therapy, craniosacral therapy, and neuromuscular therapy, among others.


On average, cortisol levels significantly drop by 31% after a massage.


Field, 2016.


A thorough, team approach to therapy


During your first session, your provider will take a detailed history regarding any past or current injuries, medications, current lifestyle, sleep quality, diet and exercise frequency. Based on your goals and any contraindications, the therapist will conduct your session accordingly. Afterward, the therapist will review the session, discuss continued care and, with the client’s permission, correspond with any healthcare providers on any necessary recommendations.


On average, cortisol levels significantly drop by 31% after a massage.


Field, 2016.



Went to Performance for massage, and this was a massage with purpose! Went to get some relief from ringing tinnitus and some neck and shoulder issues. All I can say is… it hurt so good! And for any of you who have had a deep tissue massage before… and I get them on a regular basis for health reasons… You know what I mean! Big thank you to their team.

Tricia B, Hamden Massage Therapy Client - Tricia B, Hamden Massage Therapy Client

My clients can rely on me and know that I will do what it takes to meet their needs, based on both their health history and their personal goals to improve their wellness and overall health. When I listen to a client and address their body’s needs, we develop trust. That trust is what gives my clients the motivation to strive for better self-care and work on their recovery.

Makena Mckain, LMT, BCTMB - Makena Mckain, LMT, BCTMB

Services Available

man getting a massage on his back

Medical Massage

This method addresses specific injuries and medical conditions to alleviate pain and promote recovery. It can work for a variety of clients, including those suffering from back or chronic pain as well as athletes with sports injuries. They are often prescribed as part of a physical therapy treatment program, or included in a recovery regimen.

man getting a sports massage on his leg

Sports Massage

Ideal for athletes of all levels including elites, youth, collegiate and weekend warriors as a recovery and performance optimization tool. Benefits include enhanced athletic performance, fewer injuries and faster recovery. It will also help you maintain your body in excellent condition, prolonging your athletic career.

Get in Touch

For more information, give us a call at 877-379-4911, or fill out the form fill below and one of our client success coordinators will reach out as soon as possible.