Physical Therapy Specialties
Physical therapists use a variety of different methods, or modalities, to treat their patients. In addition to prescribing specific exercises, a physical therapist may use any of the following modalities to supplement your treatment.

Our orthopedic and sports experts specialize in musculoskeletal care and treating any condition that impedes one's ability to move or perform physical functions. We offer physical therapy for post-op surgery, acute or chronic injuries as well as any condition that affects the musculoskeletal system.
Our physical therapists also apply this musculoskeletal lens in an athletic setting, helping athletes of all ages rehabilitate after an injury or enhance performance. Additionally, they provide preventative care for any athletes who may have been injured in the past or are seeking to move past a physical limitation.

Pelvic health is more common than people may think. 67.5% of women experience at least one type of pelvic floor dysfunction and up to 16% of men suffer from pelvic pain or dysfunction at some point in their lives.
Our pelvic health specialist treats both incontinence-based dysfunctions as well as pelvic, hip or lower back pain-based issues through breathing exercises, stretches, manual therapy as well as strengthening exercises.
Pelvic care at Performance is more than just a regimen of kegels; we focus on all aspects of your pelvic floor, not just how strong it is. Depending on the issue, a variety of exercises can be prescribed. For some, breathing and stretching exercises can help release pain and tension. For others, the solution could be strengthening exercises that target the pelvic floor and hip muscles.

The Schroth Method is an exercise method that aims to improve the postural component of the three-dimensional curvature of the spine and trunk. This reduces the asymmetric loading and lessens the power of the progressive cycle. It is used to address back and neck pain for non-operative, pre-operative and post-operative patients of all ages. Common diagnoses this method is used for include Scoliosis, Kyphosis, as well as pre- and post-operative spinal surgeries.

Dry Needling is a skilled technique performed by physical therapists with specialized training that decreases the effect of painful trigger points. It involves the insertion of a sterile, monofilament needle into target structures such as a muscle, tendon, or fascia.
The goal is to restore normal muscle and joint function, decrease pain, improve strength and mobility, and enhance healing and recovery. It can also release tight muscles, decrease tension and prevent future injuries.

Active Release Therapy (ART) is a manual-based technique utilized by professionals to diagnose and treat soft tissue injuries created by scar tissue. ART works by breaking up adhesions, which are dense areas of scar tissue that alter normal movement patterns. Scar tissue binds between the different layers of tissue causing pain, stiffness and loss of mobility.
The manipulation of soft tissues results in nerves, muscles, and joints moving freely to allow for normal movement and function. These adhesions may result from acute injury or as a result of overload because of repetitive use. ART is designed to restore free and unimpeded motion of all soft tissues, to release entrapped nerves, vasculature and lymphatic, and to re-establish resilience and function of soft tissue structures.

The Alter G treadmill uses differential air-pressure technology originally developed by NASA as a way for astronauts to exercise and maintain conditioning in space. Now, this technology is used in medical facilities, hospitals and physical therapy clinics to help patients rehabilitate from illness and injuries.
This machine is capable of reducing the user’s body weight by as much as 80% in order to maximize mobility. This equipment can be used on a variety of patients, from older adults combating reconditioning to elite level athletes recovering from lower body orthopedic surgeries and everyone in between. Available in our Greenwich and Westport locations.

Blood Flow Restricted (BFR) therapy is the use of a medical grade tourniquet to briefly and safely limit the amount of venous blood flow to the exercising limb. Research shows that limiting the amount of blood flow to the exercising limb can lead to increased muscle size, strength and endurance without having to load the region with excessive weight. This is key when recovering from injury as it allows the injured site to heal while preventing both atrophy and building muscle performance through the entire limb.

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy treats vestibular disorders or symptoms, characterized by dizziness, vertigo and trouble with balance and vision. These symptoms can also result in nausea, fatigue and lack of concentration.
The term “vestibular” refers to the inner ear system and its fluid-filled canals that control balance. Vestibular dysfunction can exist unilaterally, affecting only one side of the body, or bilaterally, affecting both sides. Vestibular rehabilitation exercises treat dizziness, difficulty with vision with head movement, and issues with balance.
The ultimate goal of Vestibular rehabilitation therapy is to reduce vertigo, dizziness, gaze instability, poor balance, and dangerous falls. Approximately 35 percent of adults over age 40 experience some form of dizziness. Additionally, for patients over 75 years of age, dizziness is the number one reason for visiting a physician. Dizziness is a significant risk factor for falls, and falls are estimated to be the leading cause of serious injury and death in people over 65.